Successfully Educating All Students
Glendale Special Education Services
Services for Meeting the Needs of ALL Students
Glendale School District provides a full continuum of special education and related services. All services are developed by a team (including parents) and outlined in a student's Individual Education Plan (IEP).
If you have questions regarding district policy or special education, contact us
541-832-1701 - Elementary 541-832-1801 - Middle/ High
Director of Special Education Angela Keeran angela.keeran@douglasesd.k12.or.us
Assessment and Evaluation
Glendale School District uses a Multi-tiered response to intervention system for evaluation purposes. The Oregon Administrative Rules (OARs) specify that a student may be assessed and/or identified for special education services in the following disability categories:
Developmental Delay
Autism Spectrum Disorder
Speech and Language Impairment
Deaf Blindness
Emotional Disturbance
Deaf or Hard of Hearing
Intellectual Disability
Orthopedic Impairment
Other Health Impairment
Specific Learning Disability
Traumatic Brain Injury
Visual Impairment
Speech and Language Services
Speech and Language instruction is provided to students through specially designed instruction and/or related services from Speech and Language Pathologists and Assistants. Glendale partners with Douglas County ESD for language services
Learning Center
Student who need additional direct intervention and support have access to our learning center
Essential elements of our Learning Center rooms:
Services are coordinated and delivered by highly trained specialists and educational support staff
Offer specially designed instruction and related services in areas as determined by the IEP team
The curriculum and instruction provided in these programs are research based and are designed to improve student achievement and success in the school setting
Instruction is delivered through small groups as well as co-teaching or push-in models
Team members collaborate and consult to support a students ability to succeed in the general education population with appropriate accommodations and modifications.