December - Weekly Activities
Dec-4th JH Boys BB@ Powers Lv 1:30pm
Dec-5th HS Boys & Girls BB @ Camas Lv 3:15pm
Dec-6th JH Boys BB @ Lorna Byrne Lv 1:00pm
Dec- 7th & 8th Drama “Putting on the Ritz”
Dec-8th HS BB Boys @ Riddle Lv 5:15 pm
Dec-9th HS BB Boys @ Riddle Lv TBD
Dec-9th JH Boys BB LFL “A” Championship
@ North Douglas Lv 7 am
Dec-9th HS Wrestling @ Central Linn HS Lv 5:15 am
@ Halsey
Dec-11th HS Boys & Girls BB @ Glide Lv 3:15
Dec-12th UCC Field Trip w/ Ms. Snelling
Dec-13th HS Girls BB @ Willamette Lv 2:45
Dec-15th & 16th Wrestling Winter Kickoff
@ GP HS Lv @ 8am
December 16th thru January 1,2024 Winter Break Dec-28th HS Girls BB vs Willamette HOME) @4:30pm
We are excited to have our first Pirate Power Club fundraising coed basketball camp!
Who is eligible? 1st thru 6th grade
Where? Glendale Elementary
Dates? Sat, Sept 9th, and Sun Sept 10th. Sat, Sept 16th and Sun, Sept 17th.
Cost: $10 per player, (With 2 or more players in one family, the
cost will be reduced to $7 per player.)
Contact info for signups: Cindy Chanez via text: 541-251-3446