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Glendale High School

Student Bulletin – Week 5

Sept. 30 – Oct. 4, 2019



Monday – BBQ Rib Sandwich & Fries

Tuesday– Mini Corndogs or Hamburgers/Cheese Burgers & Fries

Wednesday – Nachos Bar w/all the fixings’

Thursday – Pizza Day VARIETY Chicken Tenders w/Fries

Friday – Mac & Cheese, Chicken Nuggets w/Corn Muffins

*Daily, Fruit, Vegetable and Milk Variety

High School Sports

Tuesday 10/1 VB Glendale @ Yoncalla 6:00

Thursday 10/3 VB Glendale v.s. North Douglas 6:00

Friday 10/4 FB Glendale @ Myrtle Point 7:00

Junior High School Sports

Monday 9/30 VB Glendale @ Camas Valley 4:30

Tuesday 10/1 FB Glendale v.s. Elkton 4:30

Saturday 10/5 VB LFL B Tournament @ Glendale 4:30

Attention: 2018-2019 Yearbooks are on sale for $15.00



Tuesday Oct. 1 ASVAB Testing (details to follow)

Tuesday Oct. 8 School Pictures

Monday-Friday Oct. 14-18 Homecoming Week

Wednesday Oct. 16 PSAT testing for Sophomores

Tuesday Oct. 29 Retakes & Fall Sports Pictures

Thursday Nov. 14 Drama Show (Student Night)

Friday Nov. 15 Drama Show

Saturday Nov. 16 Drama Show

Parent Guide to Returning to Onsite School

September 2020

Welcome back Glendale Pirates!

I want to take a moment to thank you all for your support thorough out the COVID-19 Comprehensive Distance Learning. Please know that the Glendale Team has appreciated your patience, flexibility and resilience as the fall program is rolled out. In the coming week Glendale Elementary School will begin onsite instruction for Kindergarten through Grade 3 on Wednesday September 30, 2020. Grade 4-6 will be starting on Monday October 5, 2020

Students will be on campus with enhanced safety precautions in place such as hand sanitizer availability, increased frequency of cleaning and sanitizing, students and staff wearing masks throughout the day, established cohorts that are tracked, as well as protocols in place to support students.

Parents who have decided to stay with online instruction

We will be providing “live” instructional opportunities – that will align with the instruction that is happening during reading and math. Current ZOOM times will be adjusted to align with the onsite school day schedule. Teachers will be contacting you regarding this new schedule. If you are not able to attend during those live sessions – we are able to provide opportunities through Edginuity – an online instructional program or through packet based instruction. Please contact your teacher if you need to take advantage of one of these options for your student.

Prior to Coming to School Every day:

Parents please evaluate your child’s health status daily. If your child is not feeling well or demonstrating any symptoms of illness such as fever, cough, congestion, tiredness, sore throat, diarrhea, headaches or other symptoms we are asking you to keep them home and notify the school. Staff will be required to self-evaluate and are instructed to not be on campus if they are experiencing any signs of illness. Students will be visually evaluated by staff as they enter the school and throughout the day. Any student who appears with symptoms during the day will be isolated and parents called.

School Hours

8:00 am


8:00 am

Students Enter School

Breakfast in rooms

8:20 – 3:30

Class instructional time

Lunch in rooms

3:20 – 3:45

Dismissal Schedule

See below for more information

Bus Procedure: Students can sit in family groups on the bus. Masks or shields must be worn on the bus at all times.

Students will enter Building – and walk directly to their classroom. One Bus will be unloaded at a time

Pre K, KG and 1

3rd and 5th –

2nd , 4th and 6th


Door 1 – walk to classrooms

Enter Outside Classroom Doors

Door 2 – walk to Classrooms


Classrooms will be dismissed one at time starting with Kindergarten at 3:20 – Busses will be scheduled to leave by 3:45 – ( Please be patient as we teach the new protocols to students as they return to school)

Parent Drop off and pick up: Students must have masks or shields on when leaving their car. Staff will direct students to leave vehicle – and enter the building

Students will enter Building – and walk directly to their classroom.


Park in front parking lot .. If Lot is full – Please wait patiently for staff to direct, you into a parking space.

PLEASE wait for Staff to direct your students to leave the car

Students in Grades 1, 3, 5 – will enter using outside doors – Grades KG,2, 4,6 will use courtyard entrances.


All students will be dismissed with their class. Staff will walk classes out to parking lot – students will be dismissed by staff to get into cars – Parents please remain in your car during pick up times. Please do not block parked cars in the parking lot when trying to pick up students.


Students who walk will enter the building though outside entrances- and dismissed from Rooms – Walkers need to go straight home – and not linger at school.

During the School Day

Parents will not be able to enter the building to drop your student off. If you arrive after drop off, please call the office to have someone come get your student Because of staffing limitations – and complex dismissal procedures – students will not be released from classrooms after 3:00pm – without 24-hour notice of change of plans.

If you need to pick up your student – we ask that you call us in advance – Prior to coming to the school- so that we can have your student ready to go when you drive up.


All meals will be served in the classroom – students will be eating at their desks.

Recess/ Breaks

Students will have recess outside daily – they will need to wear masks- - and be mindful of the 6 ft distance.

Only one class will be on particular play areas at a time. We will be sanitizing throughout the day.


All staff and students will wear masks while at school. We will be working with students as we learn this new normal with patience and grace.

Social Distancing

Students will be practicing social distancing at school. Desks are placed with 6ft distances, walking in line students will space appropriately and during outside play – social distancing will be encouraged

Hand Washing –

Students will be asked to sanitize or wash hands as they enter the classroom, before meals and at other appropriate times.


There will be a lot of practice and support for students who are learning a new way to do school. Discipline will be limited to absolute refusals (ex “I do not have to” … “you can’t make me”) to comply with adult directions regarding COVID protocols. Please encourage your students to follow the protocols to the best of their ability so that staff can teach and support them throughout the day with learning the new system. By sending them to onsite instruction you are aware that these COVID guidelines are in place and will be enforced during the school day.

Outside Learning We will have outside learning stations for classes to move out of their classrooms – while the weather permits. All safety protocols will be in place during these lesson opportunities as well.

We are super excited to have students return to our campus. Working together we can make this a very positive and productive learning program for all students.

Bridget McMillen – Glendale Elementary School Principal

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