Successfully Educating All Students
Glendale District 77 Bond Information
Glendale School District High Priority Bond Projects
High school
Gym floor replacement
Secured entry system
Exterior window replacement
HVAC system testing and balancing
HVAC upgrades
Clocks and intercom system upgrade
Fire alarm detection system upgrade
Fire sprinkler system inspection, flush, test and re-certification
Elementary School
Exterior window replacement
Finished Bond Projects
* Roof at High School
* Roof at Elementary School
* Secure entry - re design HS
* Secure entry - re design ELM
* ADA sidewalks - elementary and HS football field
* Windows complete
* HVAC Systems - High School
* Emergency communication system installed
* Fire System installed
* Clocks and intercom upgrade
* Gym floor at High School
High School Fire sprinkler system inspection, flush, test and re-certification. Completed December 2020
High School gym floor replacement. Started June 21st 2021 completed August 2021
High School secured entry system. Completed April 2021
Elementary school secured entry system. Completed April 2021
Additional secured entry card readers for the Elementary School. Completed November 2021
Addition secured entry card readers for the High School. Completed November 2021
Bond Bids & Contracts
-Fire Alarm Bid HS- Completed
-Fire Alarm Bid EL-Completed
-Bond Schedule- Completed
-SOW Bond High Priority Projects-
-Clock Intercom Proposal- Completed
-High School Mechanical Systems Proposal- Completed
-Glendale Solar Energy Agreement-
-3 Ton gas Package Units-
-7.5 Ton Gas Package Units-
-Quote for Inspection Repair Glendale High School
-Bond HVAC Phase 1 Heater Ventilating Repair quote. Completed
-Elem sidewalk
-HS Ballfield sidewalk Completed 2024
-HS Ballfield siding and roofing-
-Lighting Bid- Completed